Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What is this, I don't even...

My vacation so far has gone pretty well.

We do a lot of shit, actually. We walk pretty much everywhere, though, and I hate walking in the heat, so...
But, it's okay. I think I've actually lost some weight. Okay, maybe not weight, but I've lost fat. ;u;
At least, it seems like it. My jeans are tight around my waist for some reason. This was only after my aunt started washing our clothes...
I think it's the way things are washed around here. There's no softner and shit like that.
How I miss those luxuries...
Damn, I miss a lot of things. ;u; I miss fast food. I miss the food I have to get out of the freezer and cook myself because my mom's too lazy. I miss my friends. I miss my pets. I miss my mom and brother. I miss my bed. I miss my sister and I's laptop. I miss the iPhone I had for, like, three days. I miss home.


Things aren't too bad here. At least I'm not bored all the time. Sometimes there's nothing to do, but, most of the time we're out with Fany's friends and whatnot. It's weird hanging out with her friends at times, mostly because I struggle to speak Spanish. It's funny, really. I know Spanish well enough, don't I? Yeah, I think I do... The problem is the pronounciation. I get tongue-twisted and shit, and it's really frustrating. People laugh at my mistakes. I don't like it.
I don't like being called a "gringa" either, even if I've only been called that once.
Not directly, either, but...
I still don't like it when people I barely know tease me. :U

We've yet to go to the ocean, and as of yesterday...
I mean, two days ago (it's twelve right now), we've been here for a month. Thirty days to go. Holy shit, I'm gonna be so fucking homesick by the time it's July 30th. And by then, it'll be about a week till school starts.
GREAT. I have to get my shit together (and my homework finished) in a week, when I'd really rather relax and be glad to be home.
And, hopefully, I'll meet my Haylee babyyy. <3 I learned from her boyfriend that they'd be coming up to "Lake Villa" on July 31st and would be sticking around till the seventh or eighth of July...I think.
Whatever. Haylee's coming up to the North to go to a waterpark place, and that's actually in Gurnee...not Lake Villa.
Either way, Gurnee isn't very far from my little town. I told her she ought to come visit me. She said maybe.
Whatever. ene I just want to meet her. And, of course, Ismael (zeh boyfrandz), Chicken (her older brother), and Brittany (frand who she's actually visiting).
Her mom, too, I think. ;u; FFF, YAAAYY.

Speaking of them...
And so I was all like, "Wait... Derek? As in...Chicken? AND HALE? AS IN KURT HALE? CHICKEN AND KURT GOT MARRIED!?"
I don't remember them kissing. :C Ismael's fault.
Haylee told me it was hot. There was tongue.
But, yeah, after all that, I realized.
Kurt's last name is Hale...that's Destery's. Kurt's last name is Hayes.
Then I realized that they just got the name wrong. PFFT.
So, Derek is now Derek Hayes, happily married to Kurt Hayes.
And then Jay suddenly fell head over heels for Nicole once Kurt got married, according to Haylee.
And Nicole was fine with it.
She's also apparently "totes pregnant."
Nicole was scared.
Because she didn't know it was him, because Jay apparently grew a beard.
Without my permission...
Though, Jay's not manly enough to grow hair anywhere... He's like my brother: NO CHEST HAIR.
I wonder if he shaves it or if it just doesn't grow...
My brother, I mean. I'm talking about my brother.

Oh, Hideo got drunk:
Hideo's real name is Hayden, btw, and he's Kurt and Jay's friend.

And, that's all. ;u;

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

With knives and pens we made our plight...

Today, in class, I had to go up in front of the class and read my "speech" out loud. o3o

I stood up, shaking, and walked up to the podium-like thingy. I put my sheet down, staring at it, too a tiny glance at my classmates, then started crying.
Yes, crying.
I was shaking almost violently, crouching over the podium thing, close to sobbing. In the background, I heard someone say, "Aw, don't cry..." It sounded like a guy, but I can't be sure. e.o
The class was, like, too stunned to speak.

Zakira, who happens to sit at the front, was all like, "Aw, it's okay! Just give your speech," The teacher was like, "We're all friends here! Just take a deep breath and start speaking." It's not like I could do anything about it. e.e

Somehow, I found my voice again, and I took a deep breath. In a shakey voice, I started speaking, and when I finished, people clapped a little louder than I expected them to, and we're all like, "Yeah, woo! Genesis!" Valerie (or Coon, L, sister, whatever you want to call her) stood up and gave me a hug. (Later, she told me I practically crashed into her, lol. xDD I hurt her ear, apparently. When will that ear heal?)

Benny-Bunny said something, giving me a thumbs-up, and Emily said something like, "That speech was great, Genesis," and I just hung my head. I felt somewhat embarrassed, but because the class I was in happens to be so friendly (and yet so mean) to each other, I was okay. o3o

Good thing no one else I know is smart enough to be in honors classes. xDD
I wouldn't hear the end of it.

What else, hmm? o.o

Goin' to New Jersey or New York or whatever on... Friday? I don't know. Whenever June fourth is. xDD; I'm going to miss the last day of school, yay!
But, unfortunately, I'm not gonna miss the test in science. :U
I know that my hair, nails, and the top layer of my skin are all dead cells! I know.

\When I came home today, I took the last lime popsicle out of the freezer and walked upstairs, saying, "I'm gonna go to my room and suck on this."
Coon: "That's what she said."
xD Obviously. I can always count on Coon. ^^

One last thing:
Random person: "Hiram and Christain!"
Hiram: "Naked!"
I'm not sure if my brother's gay (or bisexual) or not. xD

Friday, May 21, 2010

We will disappear at night with blood on the concrete.

:U I'm still pretty pissed that my roleplay was ripped off.

I mean, it has almost the same plot as mine, and the main-ish character is almost the same as mine, too!
Her's is Rapheal (She spelled the name wrong, too!), and mine is Darius. Although, Darius's real name is actually Christopher, but nevermind that.
Rapheal is an "expert illusionist;" Darius has some sort of omnific power, but no, he's not all-powerful. :U There's limits to what he can do. Illusions is not one of those limits. In fact, it's what Darius is most skilled at.
Raising the dead is one of his limits, though. :U I mean, no one but me can do that, 'cause I'm GAWD.
Lol. O.o I hope I'm not struck down or something for saying that all the time.

Rapheal also has the same personality as Darius. What. the. hell. The plot, the setting, the characters! All of them are all pretty similar to mine.

:C I guess I'm not angry; I'm more frustrated than anything.
But, what brings me up again is that my roleplay was much, much more popular than her's. :P I hope some people realized it was ripped off, and that's why only, like, two people joined it. ewe
It really was. >____>'

Uh, what was I gonna say?
BTV is finally finished! In fact, my sister has already started roleplaying with Chained. ono I think Shadow (a dog) is just a filler. :U My sister can always, always beat her out when they're roleplaying. Valerie can write a hell of a lot with ease, but Chained actually needs to try. She purposely tries to write more than my sister, but Coon could care less.
I guess. xD

Check it out:
The posts are down in the board "The Courtyard" and it's called "I'm an addict for dramatics..." ^^ Utter ownage.
I love that song... .o.

I haven't started roleplaying yet. xD I feel noobish when I compare myself to Coon and Chained. When I was writing Severin's history, I was panicking because I knew I wouldn't be able to write as much as everyone else. I left out a lot of details. A lot.

I got two more people to join BTV. :3 Chained got Mirror to join. We don't know who she is.

Severin is a relatively new character. o3o It took me a day or two to come up with a full name, which is Severin Ague Gray. His mother is, like, a goth freak, and that's why he and his siblings are all named weirdly. His sister: Thursday October Gray. His brothers: Calamity Renu Gray and Samael Gray. ono Samael doesn't have a middle name because one, he's dead, and two, I couldn't think of any more. xDD;
The only reason his siblings have names is because I was bored while I was washing my hair. :U
I think. ono
And, I felt that I would need them some day. C: So, there they are.

After my mother and I watched Supernatural, we started talking about the archangels. I happen to be obsessed with archangels. :3
Raphael's my favorite.
My mother said that "her" angel was Michael, that he, like, was the Leo angel or whatever. :U She said she thought Raphael was the Vigro angel.
Me: "OHMAHGAWD. That must be why I'm so obsessed with him!"
Mawn: "Yeaaaah!"

There was a talent show at school today. C: Wiola did pretty well in her dance routine with Afreen. They messed up a little, but it was still great.
The only reason I went was because I felt bad that we're gonna miss her dance recital. o3o It's June thirteenth, and we're gonna be in New Jersey then. :U
Some band played "Uprising" by Muse. x3 Epic. Just epic. They totally nailed it.
Someone was gonna sing "Curse of Curves" by Cute Is What We Aim For, but they were absent, so. :U That's too bad.
"Check Yes, Juliet" was also played. ono Kimmy introduced me to that song. o.o

Uh, that's it? I don't know. I think I'll get some ice cream later, or I'll go buy me some Hot Cheetos down at the gas station. :3 Yay.

Monday, May 10, 2010

If I said I liked girls, I'd only be half right.

"I had a pet doughnut for 5 years named Melvin. >_>" My mom accidentally threw it out, and when I questioned her, she said, 'It ran away...'"

The other day, I struck up a conversation about god with my family. I noticed a couple of mini magazine-thingies on the counter, and I said, "Yeah, where's god?" or something like that...

So, yeah, where's god?

My mother asked, "How was god created, anyway? Where did he come from?" My sister's explanation had something do with "god" being in another universe that isn't affected by time, which would mean that he just appeared or...something like that.

I said something like, "If you were to pray to, oh, let's say, Chinese food, (o3o There was Chinese food on the table.) for a raise at work, and the answer was 'some day' like god apparently says, and then some other day you got a raise, well, that's just coincidence."

And then we started talking about metaphysics. (Jeez. I bet no one's ever heard of a Mexican family talking about metaphysics and philosophers and whatnot. xD)

Metaphysics talks about the power of the mind and crap like that. (My sister referred to it as "Criss Angel shit". xD) My mother said that if you were to just believe that something would happen, then it would happen. Valerie said, "Well, then, I believe that Hiram's going to come upstairs in the next five seconds." And, uh, Hiram's my brother.

Me: "Go!" And then we stared at the door leading to the basement for five seconds, and my mother just laughed, saying that that wasn't what she meant.
So, I said, "Hiram's gonna come upstairs in the next five minutes. I believe it!"

Wouldn't you know that about three minutes later, my brother came strolling up the stairs. We all freaked out, and my brother was just smiling, kind of like Lolwhut? D

My brother got into the conversation, too.
He said that he believes you are your own god, and so does my mother. ("I tell myself that all the time!" he said when my mother mentioned being your own god.) And, somehow, the subject was dropped.

On another subject...
Flash is one fast bird. xD The name "Flash" suits him well. He's like a freakin' bullet. Even Rocko (the dog) can't catch him, and with all the running he does with Hiram, he's gotten pretty damn fast.
Whoot. o3o Go, Flash!
The yellow flash. >3

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Real life goes undefined...

Holy crap, I'm tired. Dx

I stayed out till, like, five in the morning.
With my mother.
And my sister, brother, and cousin.
We actually went to a party. o-o My sister, mother, and I were all wearing heels, although my sister and I didn't wear huge heels like my mother.
And yet, I'm pretty sure I was as tall as her. Usually I'm taller than her, but still. ono She needs heels to be taller than me.

Do you know how weird it is to watch your own mother dance? When today's dance is like smex with clothes on?
No, I don't think you do. xDD;
Just thought I'd mention that.

I ended up snoozing in my brother's car for an hour or two, often waking up and being like, "Wtf?" and staying awake for a while before slipping back to sleep.
It was fucking cold as shit in the car. And, I never thought to turn the car back on and let the heat run. I kind of thought that my brother would be like, "Wtf >:U" or I'd forget to turn it back off.

There was this, like, wannabe gangster/emo kid/scene kid at the party. From the waist up, he was all gangsta-like. From the waist down, it was green-blue skinny jeans and Converse. (I went up to him and went, "I have the same color skinny jeans!" 'cause I do. C:)
His name was Hector. o3o
And, not only did he stare and my sister and I, but he stared at my mother. Especially when she was dancing. He was like "ono" while my mom danced. ono Creep.
Also, some other guys thought we weren't...minors. o.o My mother said that they were like, "Oh, what about those girls on the couch?" "No, man! Those are young girls! They're Martha's kids!"
Me: :C Creepers.

Has anyone ever noticed how hard it is to go back to sleep when it's so pretty outside? When we finally started driving back home, I woke up, and I was just staring at the sky. It reminded me of when we drove to Illinois from California, or when we drove back from New Jersey.
God, was it nice out.
I woke up to the sound of the car starting, and I was sort of like ":U" because my skinny jeans were crushing my hips. It was still a little dark out, and I was hoping that my brother wasn't randomly driving the car around the block for no reason again. I think he did that so someone could get out of the driveway, but whatever.
So, my brother and I talked a bit about this and that, as we usually do when we're in the car together, and Valerie was dozing off in the back. And, that was pretty much it.

My hair deflated while I was at the party. When I tried to tease it again in the bathroom, it only hurt my head. o-o Too much hairspray, despite the fact that my hair usually noms up any sort of hair product that I put in it.
Why can't I ever do my hair correctly on a school day?

Friday, May 7, 2010

And aesthetics don't hurt one bit...

Another day, another dollar. o3o

Well, today, Kaitlin bit me. o-o Hard, too.
She couldn't get someone's wallet open, and I said, "It's simple," and I reached for it while Angela had it. I couldn't believe they were struggling to open it, so I decided to help them.
As I reached for it, Katie decided to bite into my bicep. Somehow, I opened the wallet while she was biting me, and then I realized, "This hurts!" I tore away, shouting, "Fucking bitch!" as I did.

Note: I swear everytime something bad happens to me, which is every. Single. Day. I swear a hell of a lot, because bad things happen to me all the time.

So, anyway, it hurt. And, my vision blurred, which means I was close to tears. Poor Tyler was just sitting there, with an expression that sort of resembles "ono" while the whole thing happened. I bit back tears, instead swearing repeatedly under my breath, and Katie apologized. I sort of ignored her. Valerie moved from her seat at the lunch table, sitting down next to me and hugging me. (She also said, "Precioooouuusss aaaangeeelll" several times, making me laugh.) Katie hugged me, too, saying, "I'm sorry." again, and I just mumbled, "It's okay. I'm sorry for calling you a bitch."
Wow. That was the weirdest lunch period I've had this entire year, I think.

In other news, I won over everyone I know who competed in some contest. I won first place in a branch of the National Language Arts League, beating even my own twin sister into 2nd place.
I think I'm going to have to compete again. Against the other people who won first place, that is.
I'm not gonna make it far, I know that. xD
I got a tiny medal for winning, though. o3o And a certificate.
Valerie said I won because I'm older than her. xDD

I think that's all for now...
I think.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Colour of faint; the night begins and people start to awe.

Oh, hello.

Yay. Somehow, I got back onto this account. o3o I'll be using it much more often.

Okay, so, let's take a go at this:
If I'm not wrong, I'm smarter than most kids I know. Besides my own sister, of course. Although she looks like she's a year or two younger than me, she's only a minute younger than me, and sometimes she has me beat.
But, I'm definitely the bigger person.
Not to toot my own horn, of course, but I'm much more responsible than my sister will be in the next two years. I do my homework; she copies. I clean the house; she watches television or goes on the computer. I try to keep up my grades and stay out of trouble, and she could really care less.

Good God, I feel like I'm trapped. ><
...I think I've gotten off topic.

I woke up from a nap today, and I waddled downstairs and sat down next to my sister. My friend Celeste came home (she's staying with us), and I was just staaaaring at the laptop screen. For some reason, Valerie decided to be a jerkfais to me, and tried to, like, grab my face. I held my hand up, aciddently smacking her hand away, it hit the table, she broke a nail, and she decided that I hit her.
I most certainly did not hit her. Nor did I want to continue when she kept smacking me. I know we were annoying Celeste, but Valerie just did not want to stop. She's just like that. So, frustrated, I grabbed her phone (just as she would do) and walked downstairs, and she locked the door behind me. But, I don't give a crap, 'cause there's a computer down here.
Although, it's very cold...
But, anyway.
My sister is not only a bitch to me, but she's a sore loser. And, no one but me sees that. My friends are all convinced that I'm meaner than her. And, no, I'm not. I just get really cranky if someone ticks me off in the morning. And, anyone can do that. But, it's usually either Wiola or Valerie who make me cranky.
And, just because I sware a lot and give a lot of people deat glares, I'm mean.
I just say, "Oh, you don't know Valerie, then. That chick'll rip my head off if she ever gets the chance." and it's true. But, my friends don't believe me.

But, my brother does. ono
I quote: "No, Mom. See, Genesis is, like, a real sweetie, and Valerie's a little devil. She's a bitch. Genesis is so sweet, but Chava likes Valerie better for some reason. And, it shows, too." (Chava is my cousin. o3o He did say he liked bitches once.)
My mother sees it, too, which I'm glad for.

I'm gonna stop ranting now. o-o

Okay, so, I'm partly gonna copy Merz' blog. o3o I'm gonna have a page for my OCs somewhere, and then I'm going to set up a music player, whenever I'm not lazy enough to do so. And, yeah. That's about it.